Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Hey you Unethical Embezzling Beezy!.... Wanna be friends?

Patricia Smith was convicted of embezzling $10.2 Million from a car dealership in Pennsylvania over the course of 8 years.

Ok ok ok... I know stealing is wrong. You should never do it. Kids.... stop reading now.

Because I'm sorry, this woman is awesome! She might have got her money dishonestly, but she spent it right! I bet she isn't even sorry to go to jail after the last 8 years she has had. Here is how she spent her money:
  •  $1.8 million billed to American Express for private jet charters; travel to seven countries in Europe and four islands in the Caribbean; 
  • $600,000 for lodging, cruise charges and misc. travel expenses 
  • $52, 500 for six club level tickets to the 2011 Super Bowl in Dallas; 
  • $32,500 for a luncheon for six people prepared by Food Network star Ina Garten at her barn in East Hampton, NY; $
  • 5,000 for "The Vatican Package," which included Mass in Papal Audience with VIP seating, air fare for four, VIP tour of the Vatican Museum with a private tour guide, and a private tour of theSistine Chapel with family before it is open to the public; 
  •  $2,500 for a Phantom of the Opera experience, including costume fitting, wig fitting, an escort onstage during the Hannibal Opera sequence, and four seats for the performance. 
  • $10,000 for a Ralph Lauren showroom tour and suit; 
  • $5,600 for autographed first America edition of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix with signed book plates by J.K. Rowling, 
  • $11,100 dinner with Kevin Spacey after his performance in Richard III. 
For all those people out there that have millions of dollars, take notes. This is how you live when you have money. Travel, experience things no one else can, witness epic sporting events, have dates with celebrities. Do not waste it on booze, drugs, partying and toys. 

She actually reminds me of the episode of Friends where Monica's credit card gets stolen. Monica finds the lady that stole it and befriends her, taking a lesson in life from this thief. Stop sitting on your ass and dreaming about doing stuff... go out and do it! I for one would like to extend a hand in friendship to Patricia Smith. I mean hey, if we had been friends 8 years ago I might have tagged along on some of those adventures. And you never know... maybe she busted her ass for 30 years at this dealership, never making more then $50,000 a year and that $10 Million was just making up for lost time.

Friday, June 8, 2012

"You're not Special" Graduation Speech

Amazing graduation speech! Memorable, honest and to the point.  I don't remember my high school commencement speech or who even gave it, but I bet these Seniors will remember this. Love it!