Monday, September 15, 2008

Should expectations have limits when it comes to love?

Lately I have been wondering whether my expectations for love are too high.  I have always dreamed of "fairy tale" love.  Maybe that is my answer, that the kind of love I'm looking for is labeled as fairy tale love.  When is it settling and when are you being unrealistic?  

I am constantly being told by my friends to give guys a chance.  I seem to get this instant feeling of whether I am into a guy or not, or if this is a guy for me and for the last 4 years I haven't had that feeling.  Maybe I am making up my mind too soon, maybe I should wait a little longer before I write them off.  

What if you wait your whole life for something that never comes?  What if what you want isn't realistic?  Or what if it is, what if there is this great fairy tale love out there and you just aren't patient enough?

Should I listen to everyone else and just date around until I'm comfortable enough to spend the rest of my life with that person, or wait?  I seem to be the only one still in fairy tale mode... you know when your young, you and all of your girlfriends have the same "romeo-juliet-princess-prince-live-happily-ever-after" view of love.  Then as you get older the numbers dwindle down and it seems now at twenty-three, I am the only one left standing.  

When is it time to stop dreaming and grow up?


David Schell said...

Hey, I came across your blog while searching for that CS Lewis quote from Puddleglum.

Then I hopped over to your home page, read your "expectations" posting, and I have to say...

Don't give up. Fairy tales still happen.

I don't know what your unrealistic expectations are, though... if you want a well-built superman who loves God completely and treats you like a queen and is independently wealthy and powerful, yet spends all his time with you... yeah, call it quits.

But if it's just the simple stuff, like a man opening the door for you, loving you for YOU and not so he can have sex with you, wanting to talk for the sake of getting to know you...

Then don't.

Don't settle for losers. That's my life slogan for girls. There are still guys who love God. Maybe you need a different church, idk.

Thanks for blogging. Just wanted to drop a line of hope for ya.

Janelle said...

Thanks for the ray of hope... it really made my day!

I love your life slogan for girls... I should tell some of my friends that. And Im not giving up on my fairy tale... Im keeping faith that one day it will happen