Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Just WOW!

12 year old boy covers Lady Gaga's Paparazzi... next Justin Beiber? In my opinion this kids talent tops the Beibs. So amazing!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I'm sorry, but Avatar got screwed by the Academy. I mean, come on. It is the highest grossing film of all time... there is a REASON it is the highest grossing film of all time and it deserves to be recognized for what it is. A GREAT film, by far, the best film of the year. It's like, just because it is a main stream hit it can't win an oscar. Just because it is a main stream hit it isn't all "artistic" like the indy films. Please it doesn't matter what the budget of the film is, the ending result is what matters and Avatar was leagues ahead of the Hurt Locker.

The biggest argument against Avatar is the story line, the fact that it is a mix between Pocahontas and Fern Gully. I say that that is just another reason that shows how great it is. How many people can take an old story and make it new and exciting. How many people can take an old, out done story and make it the highest grossing film of all time. I can think of only one and that is James Cameron.

Plus... he reinvented the film industry. Not only did he make an amazing beyond amazing film, but he invented a new camera, a new way to film movies.... a new form of technology. This type of advancement in the arts only comes along every once in awhile and he should be acknowledged for that accomplishment.

So I say here and now, even though it is late, that my oscar goes to AVATAR!!!! Congratulations to James Cameron... keep up the good work... for the viewers sake. Screw the academy! We are what matter! and we have spoken! Just look at the score board... the box office score board... #1 of ALL TIME: Avatar!