Monday, November 2, 2009

My 25 Random Things... SUPER random!

... I was bored so here is my 25 things list... what can I say.. I have a lot of free time lately...

1. I cry anytime something remotely emotional is on the TV or in a book. I don’t even have to be invested in the show or movie like most people. Once I walked into the part of Mighty Joe Young (the giant gorilla movie) where he falls off the ferris wheel to save the boy and within seconds I was crying. What can I say... I can't help it.
2. I seriously wish I had magical powers whether it be a super power like in Heroes or the ability to do magic in like in Harry Potter... it has been a dream since I was a kid and has not gone away in adulthood.
3. I think waking up in the morning is one of the worst things in the world. I literally will stay in bed until it is absolutely necessary that I get up. I can look at my clock and think "Yes... one more minute"
4. The best story of my life happened in Europe when 3 old Italian men brought me to the world cup championship game. Yes I witnessed Italy beat France in 5 penalty shots. I saw the head-butt. I felt the intensity of the stadium. And my story actually spread around Europe. Weeks later I met some travelers on a night train to Switzerland who had heard my story. I am forever grateful for those men and the small fortune they spent on me that weekend. (I estimated it to be around $10,000 USD)
5. Traveling is my one true love. I feel more alive and more joy when I am in a different country having unique experiences in a new culture. As of now I have been to Africa twice, backpacked around Europe for a 3 months, Mexico, Canada, Caribbean, Dubai, and am going to Japan to spend a year teaching English. After that... South America.
6. I love Disneyland... and everything about it. I love the boys I go with and most importantly I love how we do Disneyland. Actually some of the best memories I have of our numerous Disneyland trips is sitting at the Alamo laughing at whatever ridiculous stunt Trumbo has gotten himself into. There really is no one in the world like jon trumbo.
7. If you see me at a bar I will be drinking a captain and diet coke.. it has been my drink since I started drinking and I haven’t gotten sick of it yet
8. I watch the newsies whenever I get sick and have had a crush on jack kelly since I was about 10.
9. Jeans and a sweatshirt is my favorite thing to wear in the world... ask anyone
10. I love to read… and have been reading a lot more since I graduated because I miss learning… I honestly miss spending long hours in the library studying… weird huh.
11. I do the crossword puzzle in the paper almost everyday and I am getting better!! I can now finish Monday’s and sometimes Tuesday and Wednesday’s!
12. I have always wanted to be in a food fight… the closest I’ve gotten is a frosting fight at my house with Carli, Lau, and Brittany, which turned into a mayonnaise fight. We ran out of frosting and Lau thought it was a good idea to then use mayo… lets just say it took a long time to get it out of my hair!
13. I hate mowing the lawn! My parents made me do it in high school and I think it is the worst chore ever and will never mow another lawn again!! (I would also like to point out that I had to use a lawn mower from the freaking 1800’s that took two people and a lot of stamina to start)
14. Someday.. after I have some kids of my own I am going to adopt a baby from Africa. (I want to have as many kids as I can afford so if I'm rich I'll have a very large family)
15. I went skydiving in Switzerland… beautiful and amazing!! After I thought seriously about becoming a skydiving instructor.
16. I use the symptom checker on webMD and believe it. I have been diagnosed with whooping cough, terminal lung cancer, heart aneurysm, and pancreatic cancer to name a few... I believed each one at the time... and still stand by whooping cough.
17. The ocean scares me... I dont think it is natural for things to be able to live that deep in the ocean and think they are probably creatures from the devil
18. I hate being tickled and think it is one of the worst forms of torture! No joke... but keep in mind that when I was a kid my friends brothers use to pin me down, tickle me and try to make me pee my pants... they never succeeded
19. In high school we use to make each other faint at sleepovers... it seemed like a good idea at the time and I actually have no idea how that started
20. I love getting together with my family friends and playing cards with the kids (well jen and the hedbergs)... I would rather spend new years in Tahoe with that group then anywhere else.
21. I could watch episodes of Friends all day and be completely happy…
22. I have a pretty obnoxious laugh... especially when something funny catches me off guard. And I confess a couple times I have laughed so hard I peed a little
23. I could sit and talk to Michelle in subway for hours and hours... actually I have and they were some of the best conversations I have ever had.
24. Freshmen year in college my boys came to visit me and after a humiliating session of "rag on Janelle" in front of my new San Diego friends we were in the elevator and Brian says this to me "you know how wolves pee on stuff to mark their territory and ward off other wolves... well that was us marking our territory... we were peeing on you” Since then every time they make fun of me, which is often, I think of that elevator ride.
25. I am truly blessed with the best friends ever. I have a few lifers I met in college who are fantastic... and my high school friends. the five girls who are the best friends anyone could ask for and 5 of the most amazing girls you will ever meet. I love them to death and thank God everyday that they are apart of my life. And my boys... and yes I call them MY boys because I claim them... in my mind they belong to me. I absolutely adore them and will love them my whole life.

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