Tuesday, February 9, 2010

What love has meant to me

"Love is when a friend flies across the country to be there for you during a difficult time... without being asked"

"Love is noticing the little things about someone that others might miss"

"Love is in the way he looks at you and you look at him"

"Love is trust, trust is love"

"When years after your relationship you still think about him all the time... it's gotta be love"

"When your mom calls you in a rage because of a terrible traffic ticket to find out that you're devastated cause you just got dumped and ends up mailing you a cheer-up package... that's love"

"When your friends bring over a tub of your favorite ice cream because he was going to the dance with someone else"

"Love is when you can break out in song and perform a beautiful rendition of 'A Whole New World' together"

"When your day is better just cause he was in it"

"When you smile all the time... that's love"

"When you feel at home around them"

"When they go out of their way to make your birthday special"

"If ever you do something you don't want to just to make them happy... that is love"

"Acting selfless"

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