Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The eye

I was reading a book the other day that mentioned the eye as a prime example for how amazing and complex nature and biology are. It got me really thinking about this organ and I have to say, the eye is quite extraordinary and frankly a little weird. I mean it focuses according to distance, lets in different amounts of light, takes what is in front of us and shoots that information to the brain where we can register it and form an image. WHAT? Like really?...... weeeiiiirrrddd.

You can move your eye around in its socket to see in all different directions. You can see colors and details. You can see things close up and far away. Crazy pills! The human body is truly amazing, mind boggling... a perfect specimen in nature. Kinda makes me want to be a doctor just so I can study the body and know how everything works. So I can be like House... be able to hear symptoms and be like "oh this is what is wrong".

(side note: remember that human body exhibit... the one with the real human bodies showing all the intricate systems inside the body. The one where they removed everything from a body except the veins... in the tiny places it looked like netting so tiny I don't know how they achieved it. The one where they showed every organ, every muscle, every part of development... yeah that one. AMAZEBALLS!!!)

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