Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I think if I were born into a supernatural world... I would have been an empath. One who could feel the emotions of the people around them. I am oddly tuned into the emotions and feelings of others and I not only know what they are feeling, but put myself in their situation and actually feel what they are feeling.

I am known by all as the emotional television watcher... I cry at anything. But to explain why I am so emotional in television programs, I need you to understand that I am not only sympathizing with the characters like most emotional viewers.. I am empathsizing with them. For example, and this is quite embarrassing, but when I am watching TV and something emotional happens to the characters... like they get their heart broken... I honestly feel like someone just broke my heart and then the tears come. I absolutely have no control over it, I can hold back a bit around others (when I am alone it is all over) but basically the crying is involuntary.

Another example, if a character breaks his or her arm and is screaming in pain... my arm will start to tingle. It is truly bizarre! A character could lose a loved one.. and in turn I feel like my loved one just died. I mean really, what IS that?!?! It happens in real life as well... not just by watching television. I feel what those around me are feeling. It is like woman intuition and sympathy multipied on steriods!

So again I would like to state, that had I been born into a world of magic and supernatural powers... this would have been mine: the power of empathy.

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