Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Riots in London

And the British think we Americans are the ones that love violence.  At least when we protest, riot or result to violence, we have a reason.  Usually one that people feel so strongly about that they have to have a voice and express their opinion.

These riots in London are almost funny.  Reports say that the cause is unknown...

"The rioters appeared to have little unifying cause — though some claimed to oppose sharp government spending cuts, which will slash welfare payments and cut tens of thousands of public sector jobs through 2015.

But many were attracted simply by the opportunity for violence. "Come join the fun!" shouted one youth in the east London suburb of Hackney, where shops were attacked and cars torched."

I mean really? Just burning up buildings and creating havoc just for the fun of it? I think some people have issues across the pond.  If you're going to do something like that you need to have a reason, have some sort of goal you are trying to achieve... otherwise it is almost like laughing in the face of places where riots are necessary to reach a peace.  Its undermining their causes... that are real and life threatening.  This is just a case of rebellious teens who see the riots as "cool" and want a piece of the action.

Something that started as outrage over a death in a small poor community has spread to the entire capitol to people who no longer know exactly why they are rioting.  Ridiculous if you ask me.

However I do have to give props to the youth of Britian... using modern technology and social networks to organize and out smart the cops.

"Youths used text messages, instant messaging on BlackBerry phones and social media platforms such as Twitter to coordinate attacks and stay ahead of the police."

This aspect, and this alone from these events, gives me a sort of pride in my generation.  We may be a little ignorant of what matters in life, a little self indulgent to believe our petty feelings of the cops justifies burning down the shops of innocent, hard working civilians... but my God are we savvy!

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