Tuesday, September 6, 2011


I didn't really know what I expected from this movie when I saw it.  I hadn't heard much about it when it was released, but it is Disney and they always seem to find the best stories to make into movies.  But any expectations I had were surpassed by miles.  Not only was this movie extremely well done, and Diane Lane was fantastic not to mention John Malcovich who is genius in everything he is in... but above all this story is AHHH-mazing! So good you wouldn't believe it unless it was true.  And true it is.

I don't want to give anything away, but the feeling you get at the end of the movie made me want to laugh and cry and stare in complete awe.  It makes you want to stand up and cheer right along with crowd.  Its almost like you are right there watching history be made, watching a miraculous creature accomplish something that is so unbelievable it must be a gift from God.  Watching something so incredible that an animal like that can only come around once in a million years and you just feel blessed to be able to witness such an event.

Basically... you should watch it.  Everyone should watch it... especially if you don't know the story of Secretariat.  It's so much more than you would expect.

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