Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Review of On Paradise Drive by David Brooks

On Paradise Drive by David Brooks is a novel about the culture and society of the United States of America.  It is insightful and passionate, but above all it was honest.  There is a trend or fad if you will, that is occurring in the United States today where it is rather "cool" to hate our country.  People think they are profound if they say things like "Our government is horrible" or "We just try to inflict our beliefs and power on everyone else" or "Bush sucks!".  Where there might be some truth in these statements it in no way encompasses what the United States is.  David Brooks has done extensive research on what it means to be an American and has written a book with humor and humility on the soul and spirit that drives our country.

People have different views on this subject that I am well aware of, but this is mine; I have done a fair amount of traveling and experience many different cultures.  I have been to Swaziland, Tanzania, Jamaica, Grand Cayman Islands, Mexico, United Arab Emirates, France, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Austria, Czech Republic, and Germany.  Now I know this isn't all the countries in the world but it is a fair representation and from all that I have experienced I believe with all my heart that the United States is the best country in the world.  Before people get offended, because I am sure a lot will.. hear my reasoning.  I have loved and cherished every day that I have spent abroad and realize all the things that these countries can offer me that America can not as well.  Like the art and history all over Europe, the beautiful architecture and enriching atmosphere.  Or the simple but rewarding life in Africa where everyone is so warm and grateful.  Or the amazing technology and advanced engineering in Dubai.  But with all this I still feel so proud and blessed that I am a citizen of the United States.  

This is a country that was built on on Freedom and  dream of paradise.  There are things that our country offers that no other country can say the same.  America offers infinite possibilities... it is where dreams come true... it is where hard work pays off.  The United States is the only place where a black person and a woman would be able to run for president.  

Not only does this country stand for greatness and freedom, but the people of the United States are simply amazing.  They are the hardest workers with the longest work hours.  Where our government might not spend the most money on foreign development, our people donate more of their money and time to helping others.  My generation (teens and 20's.... yay for us!!) are breaking history with the amount of volunteer work that we do.  It is now uncommon to find an American in their teens or twenties that isn't or hasn't volunteered at some time or another.  Where one might say it would be to better our college applications and resumes that is not true.  There are now more people in our age group that are doing volunteer work that has no effect on their academic future.

I know people have problems with our government... especially our foreign relations, but I say to you; what country doesn't?  You will always find something wrong with any country, the powerhouse most of all.  

If you do have a grim view of the United States and its culture I beg you to read this book, because it is honest in its flaws and its strengths.  It brings to light the things that we forget about this country and explains it in the simplest form.  

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