Friday, July 16, 2010

Freeway Etiquette 101

Hello kiddies, today we are having a lesson in driving etiquette on the freeway....

Rule #1: Cars in the lanes to the left move faster, hence the alias of the farthest lane to the left is the "fast lane".

Taking into consider rule #1, if you are driving at the same speed as the car to your right and there is light to zero traffic on the road then you should proceed to move to the lane on your right or increase your speed. If the car behind you is "riding your ass" or "tailgating" this is not because he/she likes to follow closely to the car infront of them, it is instead a not so sly way of saying "get the F out of the way". There are reasons freeways have multiple lanes and there are reasons for rule #1. Everyone has a speed they are comfortable driving at on the freeway, and it is understandable if someone prefers to go 60mph or 90mph. It is not my place to judge. All I'm saying is, conform to the freeway code. Don't get offended if someone wants to go faster then you. It is easier and safer for all drivers for the slower driver to move to the right then the faster driver passing people at high speeds. Plus it is just annoying.

Oh and PS. this rule specifically applies to the 5 freeway. 2 lanes and a million mile long in the middle of freaking no where. Yeah... slow drivers get to the right and let speedy gonzalez there pass you by and all will remain happy.

Lesson over. You are dismissed.

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