Thursday, March 25, 2010


When you are faced with financial problems you learn exactly what is important to you in your life and the luxuries that are essentially unecessary. I for one have learned that food really isn't as important as I thought it was, and the top priorities in my life are traveling and booze (well partying).

I am making crap in Costa Rica right now, and every penny I spend I think about. Is this really worth it? Do I really need that? ... it's actually a very sensible way to live. I've learned that I can survive on top ramen, fruit, eggs and tuna if that means I get to travel and party with my friends. And actually sacraficing food hasn't been all that difficult. It's almost like it's not even an option for me to eat well, or eat out so I don't think about it.

Pura vida! ay! ... life is short... might as well make the most of it... and for me that is traveling on the weekends while I am lucky enough to live in this beautiful country.

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